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  • Werkgever: Farrow +Dutch
  • Land: Nederland
  • Stad: Eindhoven - Den Bosch - Maastricht - Apeldoorn
  • Dertiende Maand: Ja

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HR Manager Manufacturing & LogisticsWould you like to be actively involved with all parties within manufacturing and logistics? Then come and take on this new challenging position of HR Manager at Vlisco Netherlands!This is a versatile position in which you will provide support and advice to management on operational and tactical HR activities. These relate to the performance and development within the Manufacturing & Logistics department, which consists of approximately 300 FTEs.This is what the position looks like:Your challenge in the role of HR Manager lies in further developing and improving HR processes and HR policies especially in the area Health & Absenteeism and Risk Inventory and Evaluation. You will work intensively with various specialties. These include the director of production & logistics, production manager, development technology manager, service laboratory manager, and many more!As an HR Manager you give solicited and unsolicited advice. You support the line management in their daily issues of the employee journey as well as in performance and development related issues. In addition, you know how to motivate and encourage both line management and employees to continue learning, developing and improving. Eventually you will be the one to implement new HR developments and trends that fit the vision of the organization.What to bring?

  • A bachelor?s degree in HR;
  • Minimum of ten years' work experience and of which a minimum of five years as an HR Advisor;
  • Experience within a manufacturing environment;
  • You are communicatively strong and have intercultural communication skills;
  • You have a good command of the Dutch and English languages;
  • You are energetic and have a healthy dose of humor!

Why this will be your new job?

  • Vlisco offers you the opportunity to work within a creative company with a Manufacturing & Logistics department where personal entrepreneurship and a creative mindset are highly valued.
  • You will be given the freedom to improve processes, including preventive absenteeism policies, coaching of managers, data quality improvement and performance & development.
  • You will receive a gross annual salary of minimum 40k and maximum 68K (depending on education and experience, including vacation pay and 13th month).
  • It is a full-time position in which your working hours can be arranged flexibly.

Made your choice?Do you feel you have a lot to offer? A first introduction and selection will be done by Monique Brands and Liza Lembeck from Farrow. You will then meet Marianna Aquarius (performance & development manager) and Annemieke van Spanje (global HR director). A second conversation you have with Herman Pluimers (COO Vlisco Group) and Annemieke van Spanje. An assessment will be part of the procedure.Do you have any questions? Then feel free to contact Monique Brands: +31 615679183 or monique@farrow.nl

Informatie Farrow +Dutch