Helaas, deze vacature is niet meer beschikbaar.


  • Werkgever: Takeaway.com
  • Land: Duitsland
  • Stad: Berlin
  • Bonussen/Incentives: Ja

Om u beter van dienst te kunnen zijn verrijken wij onze gegevens door softwarematig kenmerken in vacature teksten te herkennen. Deze kenmerken worden bijvoorbeeld gebruikt voor de zoekfilters en het verbeteren van de zoekresultaten. We vragen u er rekening mee te houden dat overeenstemmingen tussen de kenmerken en de woordcombinaties in een tekst soms ook op toeval kunnen berusten. We adviseren u om zelf de vacature door te lezen om misverstanden uit te sluiten.


Our story (the bitesize version):

Takeaway.com is looking for a high potential student with strong analytical & technical abilities, who is ambitious and ready to make an impact. Are you that rare breed of data-driven marketer to be who knows how to create value for both the customer as well as the business? Do you have a passion for offering the right content, at the perfect time via the most relevant channel? Are you ready to be part of a fast growing, highly motivated and skilled CRM team? Read on! 

All about the role:

Today your team was provided with new data insights on customer retention in Germany. You participate in a 20-minute brainstorm with peers to decide on possible strategies.

The content team jumps in and provides you with content for your plan. You set up the campaign and see increased open rates, double click rates, and a promotion that led to a 12% decrease in a specific group of churned customers. You go for lunch and suddenly bump into the BI colleague who found new insights on a small group of Dutch customers you tested on earlier. You tell him you'll first work on a Polish campaign because the possible ROI is much higher but in the afternoon you'll come back to him. Suddenly it's already 6 PM and you've noticed how quickly time passes as you are so excited about the campaign testing results. 

A summary of the things you will be learning:

  • Analyse consumer data and campaigns to enhance your customer understanding and derive insightful findings for future initiatives;
  • Develop data-driven strategies to retain customers and develop customer lifetime value;
  • Develop intelligent campaign journeys and exciting content to trigger our customer's purchase behaviour;
  • Coordinate between different stakeholders and you'll be responsible teams from planning to execution of customer reactivation and campaigns. (email/push);
  • Support other marketing departments, such as brand marketing or partner proposition team, to strengthen their campaigns through the CRM channels;
  • Always keep a sharp eye on your customer

Can you deliver...

  • Strong analytical skills to making data-driven decision
  • Organized, great attention to detail, and highly motivated
  • Working with the team to ensure all campaign are sent efficiently and accurately
  • Fun, smart and open-minded person who enjoys working in an international multi-cultural environment
  • Fluent in English (our company language)
  • Bonus points for HTML Knowledge and Basic SQL Knowledge
  • Available full-time for a period of 6 months

Here is our offer:

  • Challenging position within globally operating, a fast growing, venturous company with a strong market position in growing markets;
  • The opportunity to develop your skills and experience in a hands-on internship
  • A dynamic, friendly workplace in the heart of Amsterdam (close to Central station)
  • Office amenities: Delicious tea & coffee, ping pong and our famous Friday drinks?to name a few!
  • Competitive compensation of ?650 per month
  • Contribution to travel expenses
  • Great team and company events

To make sure that you are a good fit to this internship we have included a game that will help us get unbiased insights into your personal cognitive strengths. You will receive these insights at the end of the game. So are you ready to spice up our projects 

1. Please play our game: www.neurolympics.nl/TakeawayMarketingIntern2. And click the button below to send us your CV.

Informatie Takeaway.com

  • Land: DE